Keeping young people safe

The first night away from home. The first hike. The first trip abroad.

All you need to know about safety and safeguarding

All of these moments are great for developing young people’s confidence, but we know how daunting it can be the one packing their overnight bag and waving them off at the gates. And we know it doesn’t necessarily get easier as they grow. 

Young people thrive in secure surroundings, at home and away. Wherever we go, we’re serious about keeping them safe.  

As a parent or carer, you’re bound to have questions about how we do this. Read on to find out more.

For volunteers

Our yellow card

Safety guidance

Any concerns? Contact or call us on 0345 300 1818

Our child protection and safety polices

Child protection and safety are two of our key policies that anyone involved in Scouts must work to. You can see the full policies in our Policy, Organisation and Rules section:

Our values

Part of being a Scout is going on a journey to understand who you are and what you stand for. Everyone is unique, but there are some things all Scouts can agree on. We call these Scout values. They’re at the heart of who we are and what we do. And we think they’re rather important:

  • We listen and do as we are asked
  • We are polite and kind to each other
  • We respect everyone’s space
  • We are honest and trustworthy
  • We do our best

Is there a set of ‘rules’ volunteers follow?

Yes. As Scouts, we have a clear code of behaviour we expect everyone to abide by, known as the ‘Yellow Card’. This code is shared with all adults who interact with young people – regardless of their role – and is included in the training leaders receive.

If you volunteer to help out with an activity, you’ll be given your own yellow card to keep on hand and refer back to. You can see a digital copy of the Yellow Card here, or call us on 0345 300 1818 to discuss it. You can also view our safety policies – which relate to how our leaders run adventurous activities responsibly – in chapter two of POR.

How can I raise any concerns or comment on activities?

If you’re unhappy with anything relating to your child’s time in The Scouts, you should raise it immediately with your local leaders, no matter how trivial it may seem.

If you’d rather speak to someone else, contact the Scout Information Centre on 0345 300 1818.

You can view our complaints policy at:

How can I best communicate the importance of staying safe to my children?

The world is constantly changing. Technology is constantly evolving. Society puts pressure on young people to experience new things, but that can also make them feel vulnerable and unsure about the world around them.

Our STAY SAFE leaflets contain information for young people about how to stay safe online and in the real world, and gives them all the age-specific information they need to report anything that makes them feel worried, scared or upset. They’re available from local Scout Shops free of charge, or to download digitally below.

We’ve also put together some videos on safeguarding for Beavers and Cubs, and for Scouts and Explorers.