Scouting is an affordable way of providing a range of exciting and adventurous activities for your child.
In a 2010 national survey, 75% of parents said Scouting provided the best value for money compared to other extra-curricular activities like sports and martial arts groups, youth clubs and drama or music classes.
Membership of the Scout Group carries a cost of £165 per member per year.
This subscription is necessary to cover the cost of insurance, operating and maintaining the Group’s headquarters and the annual membership fee each person has to pay to The Scout Association.
To cover these costs the subscription has been set by the Group Council. It has been this amount for a few years and we hope to keep it at this level for as long as possible. This is only possible through regular payments and members keeping up-to-date with their subs.
We believe, however, that money should be no obstacle to Scouting. If this is a problem, please let us know so we can try and help.
Options for payment:
£15 per month by Direct Debit (excluding August), payable on the 1st of the month
£165 per year by Direct Debit
Gift Aid helps us even more, at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK tax payer, please complete the Gist Aid form—to us, it’s worth an extra 25p for every £1 you pay. Get a Gift Aid form here
Once you have joined the Group you will be emailed by our administration system and asked to set up your direct debit instruction. All direct debits are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee and are processed by the merchant GoCardless. Its costs nothing for you to use this system.

This fee covers the cost of the upkeep of the meeting place and so on. Trips, camps and activities are usually charged separately.
Young people wear core uniform of a coloured sweatshirt or shirt depending on the age range. They will also wear a special group scarf.
Uniform can be bought from our very own Scout Shop. Every penny you spend with our well stocked shop goes towards giving your young person the very best opportunities Scouting has to offer.
We don’t want young people to miss out through financial challenges. If concerns about finances may prevent your child taking part in Scouting or some activities, speak to your section leader, as some assistance may be available in confidence.