What's on this week

What's happening

All the latest news for you and your Scouts

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Scouts Pirate Day Fundraiser

Our Scout Section planned their first fundraising day for KIJ and it was AWESOME!! 😱 We are so proud of our Scouts for planning, preparing and running the whole day…

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A Swashbuckling Adventure

On Saturday 5th October The Scouts invite The Squirrels and The Beavers on an unforgettable journey Watch the video below for more details

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New UK Chief Scout – Dwayne Fields

It has been confirmed this morning (06/09) that Dwayne Fields, adventurer and TV presenter, is the UK’s new Chief Scout. Dwayne’s been appointed as the11th Chief Scout to lead the half…

What we've been up to

Take a look at our Insta to see what our sections have been getting up to